Polar Code Courses - Basic and Advanced
Basic 2 days - 1280€ / 12,800 SEK (excl. VAT)
Advanced 2 days - 1320€ / 13,200 SEK (excl. VAT)
Combi 4 days - 2200€ / 22,000 SEK (excl. VAT)
This course is an STCW course approved for the requirements in the new Polar Code requirements in force from 1 July 2018. The Basic & Advanced Course covers all training requirements in the IMO Polar Code, which were mandatory as of 1 July 2018. This courses meets IMO STCW 2010, Table A-V/4-2. The course is taught by highly professional and experienced mariners, Icebreaker Masters experienced in Arctic/Antarctic ice and Masters/Chief Enginers of ice-classed cargo ships.
Upcoming Courses 2025
WEEK 5, Basic & Advanced - January 27, 2025 - January 30, 2025 at Gothenburg
WEEK 9, Basic & Advanced - February 24, 2025 - February 27, 2025 at Monaco
WEEK 12 , Basic & Advanced - March 17, 2025 - March 20, 2025 at Kalmar
WEEK 19, Basic & Advanced - May 5, 2025 - May 8, 2025 at Monaco
WEEK 38, Basic & Advanced - September 15, 2025 - September 18, 2025 at Gothenburg
WEEK 40, Basic & Advanced - September 29, 2025 - October 2, 2025 at Monaco
WEEK 49 , Basic & Advanced - December 1, 2025 - December 4, 2025 at Kalmar
2 weeks prior to the course start date, if minimum enrollment is not met the course is subject to being cancelled.
Upcoming courses 2023:
2 weeks prior to the course start date, if minimum enrollment is not met the course is subject to being cancelled.